16 - 1998 Invoices Bills Paid


∞ Years∞ Yrs
7 Years7 Yrs
3 Years3 Yrs
2 Years2 Yrs

Contents: 7 2

Box of invoices and bills paid dating to 1997/1998.

1 - Black Binder
2 - O.C. Electric Heating & Cooling
3 - A's
4 - 230 Parl Ave - (rent) - Max Capital Management
5 - ABLE
6 - Accounting Management
7 - Aramark/Chase Bank Catering
8 - AT&T
9 - Bell Atlantic
10 - "C"
11 - Catholic New York
12 - Central Press
13 - Chapman Dubibella Assoc.
14 - Msgr. Clark (fee)
15 - Msgr. Clark - Reimbursement
16 - Creative Crating, Inc.
17 - "D"
18 - Deloitte & Touche, LLP
19 - DHL
20 - Empire Blue Cross - New Policy
21 - Federal Express
22 - Great Bear
23 - Hemsley/Spear rent
24 - Inta-Boro - Car Service
25 - Keene Technical Services
26 - Kramer Levin Naftalis
27 - Rita McNamara
28 - Mansia
29 - Medieval Club
30 - "N"
31 - National Press Club
32 - Janet Nunez - Reimbursement - Insurance Expense
33 - Nynex
34 - O.P.Q
35 - PayChex
36 - PettyCash
37 - Protravel
38 - Publishins Management Associates
39 - Physician Assisted Suicide - Speakers Fees - Expences
40 - "R"
41 - Robert Reilly
42 - Rubin Ace - Theatre Tickets
43 - "S"
44 - SafeGuard
45 - Mary Schwarz
46 - Mary Schwary - Petty Cash
47 - Spring Harvey Design
48 - Staple's
49 - State Insurance Fund
50 - State of New York Inurance Dept.
51 - William E. Stanton
52 - Sterling Photography
53 - "T"
54 - Two Millenia of Christianity Speakers fees Spring 1998
55 - Two Millenia Lecture Fees Fall 97 - Reimbursement for Expenses
56 - U, V, W, X, Y, Z
57 - United States Life Insurance Co.
58 - University Club
59 - Williams Club
60 - CN admin Services