43 - Bank Statements FYE 2014 - FYE 2013 - GIL ACCTS 1020 - 1050 -11


∞ Years∞ Yrs
7 Years7 Yrs
3 Years3 Yrs
2 Years2 Yrs


Box that contains paid bills dating to 2014, check registers. FYE 2013 papers and Accounting workpapers from 1/31/14.

1 - Paid Amenia 5/1/14 - 6/30/14
2 - 1/31/14 Working Papers
3 - NYC Paid Bills 7/1/14 - 9/30/14
4 - Amenia Paid Bills 9/1/14 - 9/30/14
5 - PAID NYC 5/1/14 - 6/30/14
6 - Homeland Foundation May/Jun 2014
7 - Check Registers
8 - Homelad Foundation, LLC - Bank Statements & Essex Financial Services Statements - FYE, 4/30/13